Monday, February 23, 2009

March in March...!

In a society, there are flows, because there are flows in the individuals of the society. And in an individual, there are flows, because the society is like this!
When the individuals stand up for the human values, the human values in the whole of society are raised up.

For corruption or terrorism to exist, it spreads its wings and roots to diverse parts of society. When these are cut down, there is no base for it to exist.

Here begins an event for a social reform through individual action:- March in March:-
The March Against Terrorism Against Corruption.

Delhi, 1March, 2-5 PM, Parliament Street, Delhi.


komal said...

mmm are you going to delhi for the march? wow 1 lakh lakh youth being targeted thats awesome.. they should thry and have something similar in bangalore...

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